

Possible Designs

Page Layout idea #1   

Justifying Possible Design #1 against the Design
For my first design, I will maybe choose a website layout from iWebs and then try and think of a way to show the impacts in many different ways. This website will have to show the impacts and preventions. The reason why I would choose to only do the impacts and preventions is because it’s very important to everyone to know what they can do and how to help. The website layout does meet the requirements of my design specification because the message I’m trying to show to the world is included in the website: I want people to know that cyber bullying is VERY harmful to victims and that it affects everyone.
Maybe the Goldenrod (iWeb possible layout possibility) might be good using to advocate against cyber bullying.
Design Specification
  • must be effective
  • must show the message
  • my design has to be clear and obvious
 Page Layout #2

Justifying Possible Design #2 against the Design
The second idea  I have is to include preventions, impacts and effects, meaning that I show some pictures of cyber bullies/victims/bystanders which might also help me get a better grade. I think it would be boring to only have text the whole time and wouldn’t really show what I’m trying to advocate. I still relate to the design specification because my message is still clear and obvious. I wouldn’t want my design to show ‘too much’ since it would get a bit boring to see the same thing over and over again.
This design also looks good enough to advocate against cyber bullying, but I think it’s a bit too bright to exactly show the pictures. Cyber bullying is not really a happy thing. The layout is called Modern Frame.
Design Specification
  • must show the message
  • must include pictures
  • my design has to be understandable
  • must be effective
  • people must know what I’m trying to project towards the ‘outside world’

Page Layout #3


Justifying Possible Design #3 against the Design
I wouldn’t really change much about the information., but the layout of the page doesn’t quite fit, so I took the Black in iWebs for the page layout #3. It makes more sense. The information I’m going to use is the victims, personal stories from people that have been published online (as a citation), pictures, impacts, preventions, myths, etc... (everything that is mentioned in the investigation stage). I will also include my investigate, design, plan, create, evaluate page.This design meets all the requirements of the design specification and the overall message.
Design Specification
  • must be effective
  • must show the message
  • must include pictures
  • must show investigation, design, plan, create and evaluate stage.
  • my design has to be clear and obvious
  • my design has to be understandable
  • people must know what I’m trying to project towards the ‘outside world’

 Page Layout #4


Justifying Possible Design #4 against the Design
This fourth design doesn’t really fit to my standards that I’m trying to achieve. I would only include the impacts and some information about cyber bullying and the steps I used to create my website.
Design Specification
  • must show the message
  • must show investigation, design, plan, create and evaluate stage.
The Final Design Choice

The final Design 
I think I will use design #3, because it includes more requirements from the design specification and is more effective. I will include many tabs to access each of the steps shown: impacts, prevention, personal stories (with bibliography and quotations), myths, investigate, design, plan, create, evaluate stages, pictures and some recommendations of books/movies that link to cyber bullying.
Explanation of the Final Design
I think that my design will be effective because it includes a lot of information that might help cyber bullied victims move on and ignore their bullies. I want to advocate against cyber bullying, meaning that I will have to put a lot of work into my website and not just work in class. 
I got to that point by just thinking howa seriously cyber bullied person might think and what they would want (support, ways to move on, etc...) instead of committing bullycide. I hope I will somehow be able to advocate against cyber bullying, if not, I tried my best.
Design Specification
  • must be effective
  • must show the message
  • must include pictures
  • must show investigation, design, plan, create and evaluate stage.
  • my design has to be clear and obvious
  • my design has to be understandable
  • people must know what I’m trying to project towards the ‘outside world’

Justifying the Final Design against the Design Specification
I will (obviously) not be able to meet all the requirements and restrictions that are included in the design specification, but I will be able to include all the mistakes I did in my evaluation. To reach the highest mark in this project, I will have to put A LOT of work in my project and sacrifice some ‘free time’

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